a few words about us
Affordable, exceptional online marketing for small and medium-size businesses!

Company Info
CDUdotcom is an internet marketing company with offices in the Chicago northwest suburbs. We have been serving small and medium-size businesses across the U.S. since 2007.
At CDUdotcom, we have both the technical expertise and the marketing know-how to help you get the most bang for your marketing dollar. We also understand that internet marketing is still new territory for many of our clients. We'll help you cut through all the jargon so that you feel more confident in utilizing various online techniques to help grow your business.
Read more about the CDU Difference and the Core Values that drive everything we do.
Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. Thanks!

The "CDU" Difference
You're no doubt evaluating several internet marketing companies right now, wading through a lot of sales hype and technical mumbo-jumbo, trying to decide which company is the right fit for your needs. So why us? What is the "CDU" Difference?
Okay, everyone says they're customer focused, but what does that really mean? At CDUdotcom, being customer focused starts with our very first conversation. We're not in the SALES business; we're in the SERVICE business. (Companies that are in the sales business are great at hype! Whether they do it through hyperbole or scare tactics, their primary focus is getting you to buy what they have to sell.) Our goal is to provide exceptional service and that starts with understanding your unique needs and goals so that we can help you find the right solutions for your business and your budget. We want to be a trusted partner that helps you navigate the complicated and ever-changing world of internet marketing.
With CDUdotcom, you'll have personalized attention. You're not an "account" working with an "account representative." There are no go-betweens here, no buffers, no "dial 1 if you'd like to speak to . . ." automated systems. You'll work directly with the internet marketing expert responsible for delivering YOUR results. And our company president will be there too, getting to know you, sleeves rolled up, making sure that CDUdotcom is living up to our promise of total commitment to serving the needs of our clients.
When so many other SEO companies say it's just not possible to offer SEO services for anything less than $500+ a month, how is it that we can? Simple. We don't jack up our prices just because that's the going rate! We keep our overhead low and, with 10+ years of experience, you learn a few things along the way that help you streamline processes. Like many of our clients, we're a small company and so we understand the need to closely manage expenses. We could increase our prices right along with our competition, but instead we pass those savings on to you. It's an idea that we started the company with almost 10 years ago and it's an idea that has allowed us to grow right along with our clients. Besides, it just seems like the right thing to do.
So that's the CDUdotcom difference in a nutshell. We don't have a lot of sales people cold calling prospects. We don't spend gazillions on marketing. Our goal is simple: help small and medium-size businesses grow by providing exceptional and affordable internet marketing services. And not to toot our own horns, but we are darn good at what we do (after all, you found us searching online . . . we did that!).

Our Core Values
We understand that our clients put a great deal of trust in us and we never take that responsibility lightly. We will be 100% committed to finding and delivering the right solutions for your business. It is our policy to go above and beyond, not just an extra mile, but an extra marathon if that's what it takes to get the job done right.
Who we are as a company is summed up by our values. And at CDUdotcom, our values aren't just pretty posters that hang on the wall!
Our Values:
- • Helping Others
- • Respect
- • Integrity
- • Loyalty
- • Excellence
Our values guide every choice we make. We believe that companies and individuals are most successful when they help one another strive for excellence and treat one another with respect, integrity and loyalty.